Happy Cheetah Reading


You have questions, we have answers!

If the information on this website doesn't answer all of your questions, feel free to contact us for more information!

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View Complete Scope & Sequence for Happy Cheetah 

How is Happy Cheetah different than other programs?

Happy Cheetah Reading starts from a different foundation. Rather than build on almost century-old assumptions about how children learn to read, Happy Cheetah Reading incorporates the most current research, both on how successful readers learn to read, as well as the recent research on how the brain learns most effectively.
Happy Cheetah Reading works. In her practice, Dr. Karen Holinga has had 100% success helping children move forward in learning to read.

Who will thrive with Happy Cheetah Reading?

What about intellectual disabilities and traumatic brain injuries?

I am not a trained teacher. What training do I need?

What preparation do I need to do?

When should I begin Happy Cheetah Reading?